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Testing Sessions

Test sessions are for skaters to advance in their skating discipline. It is very beneficial for skaters to work at improving their skills so they may advance to higher levels.


BVFSC hosts 3-5 test sessions a year. Be sure to check the upcoming events section for any Test Sessions or log into the Entryeeze System!

Registration Information

BEFORE registering for a Virtual Test, please read the info below under about Virtual Testing.


  • The Entryeeze System will be used to register for all testing sessions. Sign on below and select "Testing Sessions" to see any available sessions.

We generally have two sessions

  • "Virtual Test Session on Private Ice" - Recorded by a club official during a designated time on private ice 

  • "Virtual Test Session on Freestyle Session" - Recorded during a freestyle session (filming by coaches only - ask your coach before you register)

Virtual Test Session Information


Testing Rules and Guidelines


How to Test on Private Ice
  1. Register for the "Virtual Test Session (private ice)" on Entryeeze​ by the registration deadline​​

  2. Upload your reconciled music to Entryeeze by the music deadline (if applicable).

  3. You must fill in and sign the name and likeness form once per season.

  4. Schedules will be sent out prior to the testing session.

  5. Show up at least 45 minutes early to your session time.

  6. After you have your test, you need to sign your affidavit with your coach before leaving the rink.

Other Information:

  • Prices for testing sessions vary by level and type of test. Check Entryeeze for prices for your test.

  • Hospitality fees cover gift cards for volunteer judges.

  • No late entries are allowed.

  • There are no refunds.

  • Re-skates are not guaranteed, but can be granted if time allows. An extra fee of $25 will be charged for re-skates. 

​​How to Test on Freestyle Session
  1. Register for the "Virtual Test Session (Freestyle Sessions)" on Entryeeze​ by the registration deadline. Note that this type of virtual testing session does not include private ice or a BVFSC videographer. 

  2. All skaters must register before filming their test at SIA. Your coach will need to obtain permission to film during a freestyle session at SIA. 

  3. Film and submit your test in the window between the registration deadline and the testing deadline (see "Other Information" for more guidelines).

  4. You must fill in and sign the name and likeness form once per season.

  5. You need to sign your "Affidavit for Virtual Test Session" form with your coach

  6. Double check your forms and submit video and forms before the deadline. 

Other Information:

  • BVFSC will not provide a videographer on private ice for this test session. All videos must be filmed by a trained videographer (i.e., during a freestyle session). Coaches must obtain permission from both Donielle and Beth before filming at SIA. They will require confirmation that skaters are registered for the BVFSC test session.

  • USFS requirements/Videographer Guidelines: All skaters must display a placard that includes the following information:

    • Skater’s name

    • Test being taken

    • Host club

    • Date of the test

  • A sample placard can be found here 

  • Videographers must include a date/time stamp from a digital device (e.g., a phone). Skaters should also verbally state their name and the test they are taking before starting.

  • Prices for testing sessions vary by level and type of test. Check Entryeeze for prices for your test.

  • Hospitality fees cover gift cards for volunteer judges.

  • No late entries are allowed.

  • There are no refunds.


Name and Likeness Form

Affadavit Form for Virtual Test Submission

Upcoming Events

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